The meaning of the symbols of versus seen in a dream.

sleeping boy

Left Versus Right Eye | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Versus

20 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about versus related.


This is an archetypal character aspect that connects you to magic, the occult, and the mysteries of life.The witch is a creature of relatively modern invention with little, if any,...

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Communion (church Service)

Longing for religious rituals, or having an aversion to them. Betrayal by or acceptance into a social group.The 64-million dollar question: “How do you feel about religion?”In ...

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Deep bonds with a Relative (often a symbol for parts of yourself), whom you see as your idol, or who is or should be a threatening example. As a dream symbol, incest has an extreme...

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(see Abyss)A crucial turning point in life that requires a decision, especially one pertaining to polarities, such as “good” versus “evil” or action versus waiting.Real or ...

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(see Animals, Fables, Lizard, Monsters, Snake)The guardian of great power, magic, and wisdom.If you can befriend this aspect of yourself, many new talents and abilities will open t...

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(see Abuse, Armor, Weapons)Conflict or clashes with social strictures, other’s ideals, or your own sense of right and wrong.Jungian: Self-conflict between what we wish to be and ...

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(see Candle, Gold, Fire, Health, Red, Torch)The masculine nature. Many ancient gods were affiliated with, or represented as, the sun, including Apollo in Greece and Ra in Egypt (se...

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Daytime scenes in a dream comment on what you are actively pursuing to fulfill your life. Daytime may also reflect the light of consciousness or what is understood or recognized by...

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If a scene in a dream takes place at night, it signifies exploring what is hidden or shadowed in the subconscious. Nighttime may reflect your unconscious concerns versus your consc...

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Buddy List

Dreams of a buddy list, as in your on-line IM, represent your connection with friends and family.If your buddy list is empty the dream may be suggesting that it is time to communic...

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To dream of a court case is about judgment and forgiveness. You are deciding a verdict upon yourself or someone who you feel has wronged you. You are processing your feelings of gu...

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Dreams of the devil symbolize that you are grappling with temptation to do something you deem morally wrong versus what your conscience knows to be right for you. This can also be ...

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The number Two is a symbol of partnership, dualism, contrasts, light and dark, polarity, the Light and the Darkness. Two is the symbol of the moon and regarded as feminine. It stan...

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Dreams of cosmetics symbolize that you feel the need to embellish your natural way of being, that you desire to attract attention, or to cover up perceived flaws so that you will a...

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Dreams of a husband represent the provider/protector aspect of yourself.If you are an unmarried man dreaming of being a husband, then you are processing your aspirations/hopes/fear...

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Dreams of manners represent constraint, respect, and that you are grappling with your authentic expression versus what is socially or politically correct....

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Dreams of religion denote that you are receiving a spiritual message, exploring your spiritual beliefs and roots. Perhaps you are grappling with what you authentically believe and ...

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Dreams of a scale represent a desire for justice, balance and equanimity. Also, this dream can reveal that you are weighing the pros and cons of a situation in which you must make ...

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If you dream of a scandal, then this dream is helping you to grapple with your innermost feelings versus your ego and the reputation of your public persona.See Gossip....

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Seducer / Seductress

Dreams of a seducer or seductress symbolize sexual desires, manipulation, and immature ego tricks to gain power. This dream may be an opportunity for you to vent out your struggle ...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation