The meaning of the symbols of significado, sonho, cortando and cabelo seen in a dream.

sleeping boy

Significado De Sonho Cortando O Cabelo | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Significado Sonho Cortando Cabelo

111 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about significado, sonho, cortando and cabelo related.


If a woman dreams that she has beautiful hair and combs it, she will be careless in her personal affairs, and will lose advancement by neglecting mental application.For a man to dr...

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These symbolise a person’s daughters....

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Dream In Dream

Dreaming in a dream is of significant importance; research details...

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1. Male sexuality.2. Masculine power.3. Fertility symbol (note size). ...

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Symbol of nurturing others; see “bra” and “milk”...

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To hear good news in a dream, denotes that you will be fortunate in affairs, and have harmonious companions; but if the news be bad, contrary conditions will exist. ...

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This may be represented in a dream by such things as using a pump, beating a drum, or any rhythmic movement.If there is a tendency to repress the sexual need, it may happen that on...

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Support for the enablement of nurturing others; research details, i.E. Color, material, etc.; See “breast”...

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1. Reservations about getting involved with a particular woman.2. Reluctance to get involved sexually with anyone.3. Afraid to have a baby. ...

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See “breast”...

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1. Loss of strength, sense of power.2. Financial gains.3. Fear of losing sexuality. ...

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Gray Hair

For young people, gray hair in a dream means dignity and it could mean longevity, weakness or poverty.If gray hair grows in one’s beard and head in the dream, it means poverty. S...

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To dream of relating a dream indicates that something unusual is about to happen (Raphael). Evidently a struggle on the part of the subconscious to bring the matter before the cons...

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1. Lucky at love.2. A change for the better (to change into clean ones).3. Exposure, shame, embarrassment (to be caught in).4. Feminine self; an exploration of sexuality. ...

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Long Hair

Hair is interpreted as wealth and beauty. But if such hair falls upon the face or tufts of hair is seen on the cheek it suggests grief and sorrow. According to some people it could...

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Finding hairpins on the floor presages an unusual and pleasing experience. To repair a broken piece of machinery with a hairpin is an indication that you will receive a gift of som...

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Patronizing for the purpose of gaining favor is spoiled when exposed...

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Facts To Be Taken Into Consideration Before A Mu’abbir Interprets A Dream

It is imperative that the mu’abbir or interpreter understands fully and properly every details of a dream seen by any person. He should be able to weigh it on the scale of the ru...

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Interpretation According To The Contrasting Meaning Of Things

Seeing oneself as weeping will be interpreted as joy and happiness as long as such weeping is not done with sound, screaming or tearing one’s collar to pieces as when mourning. O...

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Red Hair

Red hair usually suggests changes in the dreamer’s life....

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Comb, Hair

1. Concern with appearance.2. Insecurity. ...

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Black Hair

If a woman sees herselfhaving a thick black hair in a dream, it means that she will marry a respected and a handsome looking husband.If she sees herself having a charcoal colored h...

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Chopping Off

(See Cutting off)...

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Clipping Hair Or Wool With A Scissor

If a person sees himself cutting or clipping hair or wool using scissors it means he will amass great material wealth....

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Combing The Hair And Beard

His grief and anxiety will disappear shortly. Some say it means goodness and happiness through beneficial knowledge. Likewise, people will also derive maximum benefit from his know...

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Curly Hair

Ifa head shaved person or a bald person sees himselfhaving curly hair in a dream, it means following the leadingexample of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace. Havingcurlyhair in a...

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Cutting A Limb

Cutting and separating someone’s limb such as the head, hand, feet means a quarrel is imminent between the one who does this and the person whose limb had been cut.The same is th...

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Cutting Off

(Amputation; Beheading; Cutting, Decapitation, Scission, Chopping off, Severing) Cutting off one’s hand in a dream signifies failure to perform one’s obligatory prayers or b...

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Dishevelled Hair

Hair which has grown long, covering the face forewarns grief and sorrow....

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Dyeing The Hair Of The Head

Dyeing the hair symbolises concealment and protection. Thus, if a person sees himself dyeing his hair it means that Allah will protect him from the evil consequences of what he int...

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General Rule Pertaining To A Dream With Two Scenes With Opposing Interpretations

When two separate things with opposing interpretations are seen in a dream then the stronger or better of the two interpretations will be given. As an example is a person sees a ba...

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Hair Of The Armpits, Public Hair And The Moustache

If the hair is small or few, it symbolises steadfastness on Deen and Sunnah.If the hair is plenty is symbolises wilaayat which is bereft of Deen....

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Hair Of The Human Body

It symbolises a man’s assets.If he has merchandise or crops, it will increase or decrease according to the amount of hair he had seen.If he sees the hair shining he will become a...

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Most Unpleasant Dream

If the Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam) is seen as physically deformed or sick or dead then this is a very unpleasant dream. For, it alludes to the observer’s negligenc...

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(Homosexuality, Lover of boys, Sodomize, Sodomy) Molesting a child, or forcing a boy to sodomy in a dream means committing an evil act, loss of one’s capital to one’s enemy, ...

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Rubbing Oil On The Hair, Beard Or Body

Normally oiling of the hair, beard or body suggests beauty and elegance. But if excessive oil is seen flowing on the face or clothes, it suggests grief and sorrow....

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Ruffled Hair

In a dream, seeing one’s hair ruffled means stinginess and love to hoard money, or doing little for others....

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Seeing Elephants And Beasts Of Prey In The Dream

An elephant symbolises a foreigner who is despotic, powerful and vehement. He has no compassion_striking fear into the hearts of people....

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Seeing Hair On The Palm

The growing of hair on the palm or any such place where hair does not grow suggests that he will incur debts which will shatter his peace, causing him extreme anxiety....

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Seeing Rasoolullah (sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) In The Dream

Rasoolullah (Sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) has said : “Whosoever sees me in his dream he has truly seen me. For, the devil is unable to assume my form”....

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(See Cutting off)...

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Short Hair

Shortening one’s hair in a dream means appeasing one’s fears.(Also see Hair, Shaving)...

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Strand Of Hair

(Bun, Tuft, Wisp) If a pregnant WOmansees a strand of hair in her dream, it means that she will beget a blessed son.A strand of hair hanging over one’s head in a dream means mon...

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The Hair Of The Head

Hair symbolises a man’s wealth and assets or that of his employer’s....

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White Hair

Seeing one’s black hair turning white in the dream means that he will gain credibility and respect among his people....

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Analysis, Dream

See dream processing. ...

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Dream Deprivation

See science, sleep and dreams. ...

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Dream Within Dream

A dream presents us with emotions or information we may be avoiding while awake. Usually a dream within a dream is a ploy one uses to explain away the impact of the feelings met—...

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Gestalt Dream Work

See dream processing. ...

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Curl / Hair

Temptation and youth....

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Dream Process As Computer

The brain is not a computer, but it has the power to compute.The word computare is Latin, and comes from putare, to think. Neither is a computer any­thing like a human brain. But ...

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Symbols And Dreaming

Words are themselves symbols of objects, ideas, or feelings. Whether we look at mathematical equations, a film, a novel, or a business logo, each involves the use of symbols. When ...

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Dreams of curling something are about adding energy to it. Whether you dream of curling hair or a ribbon, you are adding bounce, vibrancy and vitality to all that you do....

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To dream of Steven Spielberg or of his motion picture production company is about opening your creativity to the skies and beyond. You are beginning an out of the box creative expl...

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Hair Cut

Dreams of a haircut symbolize transformation.A new look symbolizes a new outlook on life.See Hair and Hairdresser....

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Cutting / Haircut

interpreted upon 10 sides: blessing, wealth, guardianship, rank & leadership, honor, sultanate, acquiring of something wanted, happiness and delight in proportion to his elevation,...

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Blonde Hair

If you dream of seeing a woman with blonde hair, or if you dream of coloring your hair blonde, you will be a true friend to your girlfriends....

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Blow Dryer

To dream of using a hair dryer symbolzies emotional affairs and promises either an improvement in your current relationship or a new romance.To dream of having your hair blown dry ...

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Bobby Pin

To dream that you are putting your hair up with bobby pins, or to see a bobby pin in your dream, suggests that you are evaluating a new idea, outlook or way of thinking. You may be...

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Curling / Curly (hair)

Curly hair in dreams signifies a new romantic relationship. Somebody likes you! If you dreamed of having your curly hair cut, exciting changes for the better are just around the co...

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Plot Of The Dream

In attempting to understand our dreams, it is imponant to honour their drama or plot. Dreams appear to be very specific in the way they use the characters, objects and environs occ...

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Hair Clip

To dream that you are putting your hair up in a clip or barrette, suggests that you are evaluating a new idea, outlook or way of thinking. You may be changing the way you approach ...

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Hair Dryer

To dream of using a hair dryer symbolzies emotional affairs and promises either an improvement in your current relationship or a new romance.To dream of having your hair blown dry ...

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Hair Dye

If you dreamed of dying your hair, you are allowing vanity to overcome your common sense. Try to use better judgement.If you dyed your hair black, the dream predicts a passing sadn...

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Hair Products (gel, Hairspray, Mousse, Etc.)

A dream of styling or curling your hair with products, is a forecast of improvement in your love relationship or, for single girls, a new romance.To dream of slicking your hair dow...

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To dream of using a hair-brush, means you need to face up to a situation in real life - if you ignore reality, things could get out of control....

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To dream of having a hairlip, or of somebody else having one, suggests that you are having some trouble communicating your true feelings....

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To see or wear a headband in your dream, signifies that you are hiding a secret or concealing your emotions....

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Straightening Hair / Straight Iron

A dream of straightening your hair means you are trying to change in some way, or surpress a part of your nature that you are uncomfortable with. It can also mean you have strong f...

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Stringy Hair

Unsure of own strength....

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Do Your Dreams Have A Meaning?

The Scientific Literature of Dream-Problems I shall begin by giving a short account of the views of earlier writers on this subject and of the status of the dream-problem in conte...

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Brushing / Styling Hair

To dream that you are styling your hair indicates that you are concerned with your physical appearance. This type of image should put you on alert: dressing up in an exaggerated ma...

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Dream Within A Dream

There are levels of consciousness that exist in the dream state that you can wake up to and still be asleep. This happens in waking life as well, but is less noticeable, like when ...

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Islamic Dream

Islamic Dream Interpretation: Unlocking the Hidden Meanings of Dreams Discover the profound world of dream interpretation through the lens of Islamic wisdom. This meticulously ...

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Dream Sources

Dream Interpret - Your Ultimate Dream Dictionary Welcome to Dream Interpret, your trusted resource for unraveling the mysteries of your dreams. With over 65,00...

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Locks (of Hair)

Although it usually refers to a vanity item, it symbolizes the superior force of will and knowledge. For this reason, when you have long and healthy hair in a dream, the image indi...

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Varieties Of Flying Dream

Another way of interpreting flying dreams is that they symbolize your strong mind and will. You feel invincible and nobody can tell you what you cannot do and accomplish. Undoubted...

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Dream Change In Art

The subject of dreams and change has often been portrayed in art and culture. For example, in his classic novella Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka used this notion of change when Gregor ...

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Hair / Hand

How hair appears in a dream gives the dreamer insight into the way they are thinking and the type of alterations that can be made to enhance their thinking. For instance, if hair i...

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Dream Symbols

Dream Interpretation & an A to Z dictionary of symbols and their meanings helps you make sense of your dreams and harness them to increase your creativity, solve problems, find lif...

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Dream Types

“I can never decide whether my dreams are a result of my thoughts, or my thoughts the result of my dreams. It is very queer. But my dreams make conclusions for me. They ...

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Dream Meaning And Symbol

Dream Interpretation / Dream Dictionary / Dream Meanings Knowledge is power, so learn to understand the mysteries that are hidden in your dreams. Our dreams contain the messages ...

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What Does It Mean When You Have A Recurring Dream?

Recurrent dream themes often start at a young age, but can begin at any time, and persist for the rest of one’s life.The theme of missing an exam, to take one example, commonly b...

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Dream Houses

The front of the house and activities outside the house represent your persona, the face you show to the world, whereas whatever is inside the house reveals your inner life.If the ...

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Major Religions And Dream Interpretation

Buddhism and dreams The principle aim of Buddhism is to achieve liberation from the things that bind consciousness to what Buddhists see as the illusory concepts of the self and t...

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Jung’s First Dream

Jung himself apparently went through a difficult separation from his mother in early childhood that had repercussions for his social health later in life. Jung’s mother was said ...

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Dream Group

Whilst individual dream work is rewarding and necessary to the growth of your understanding of dreams, you can sometimes overlook or be bewildered by certain aspects of your dreams...

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Auspicious Dream

In China and Tibet, dreams that are a sign of good fortune are called‘auspicious dreams’. These may include dreams of holy or famous people, a clear lake, a spotlessly white cl...

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Precognitive Dream

There are many types of precognitive dream that allow you to visit potential futures, giving choices and decisions a run through to learn about the possible consequences.If you are...

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Shared Dream

Sometimes people discover—usually accidentally—that they have experienced a virtually identical dream, perhaps at the same time. In this variety of psychic dream, two or more p...

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Lucid Dreaming

A lucid dream is simply one in which you realize that you are dreaming. In one form or another, lucid dreaming has been practiced with great seriousness in certain religious and ph...

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Dream Doodles

In both real and dream life, doodles are expressions of your unconscious mind. Doodles, like dreams, involve a form of picture language, and it is the interpretation of these pictu...

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Toilet Dream

According to Freud, toilet dreams are associated with what he called the anal phase of a child’s psychological development. In Freud’s opinion, if parents didn’t handle their...

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Visitation Dream

Perhaps you, or someone you know, have had a dream where you or they are absolutely convinced of a visit by a departed loved one or religious figure in your sleep. The reason for b...

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Your Dream Dictionary

You may find that certain symbols keep cropping up in your dreams. Maybe your mother always appears carrying a first-aid kit or you are always aware of clocks in your dreams. Repea...

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Learn Dream Symbol Language

Your dream and its symbols speak through the language of dream symbolism. Although that language shares similarities across dreamers, each dreamer’s subconscious mind speaks in i...

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Recognizing Dream Symbol Meaning

When you’re trying to understand the meaning of a dream symbol, what you’re really looking for is what that symbol means for you (not for someone else) in its current context i...

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Consider Common Dream Symbolism First

If there’s any such thing as a shortcut to finding dream meaning, this is it. The majority of dreams convey meaning using one of just a few forms of symbolism. So, chances are th...

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What's In A Dream?

Are dreams some strange, mysterious phenomenon that spontaneously happen on the night shift of life? Or is there some deeper meaning behind this universal experience? Throughout r...

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Working With Dream Images

All dream images have a symbolic message. The ones that are the most startling are the fear images. We have many fears we have suppressed from childhood on, and these are free to s...

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Archetypes (archetypal Dream Images)

While the notion of archetypes is at least as old as Plato, it is most familiar to the modern world through the work of Carl Jung, the prominent Swiss psychotherapist. In contrast ...

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Unlocking The Secrets Of Lucid Dreaming

"In the state of wakefulness, dreams subtly encroach upon the individual, giving rise to a forgetfulness, or rather a memory, whose contours are transposed onto a plane of con...

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The Birth Of A Dream

AN AUTOMATIC NIGHTLY REVIEW: Once you fall asleep, the mind activates an “automatic housekeeping” function to filter and prioritize the day's events, emotions, and reactions. ...

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Do Dreams Have Meaning?

There is an ongoing debate about whether dreams are a vehicle for messages or merely random by-products of the brain. Both sides of the argument are briefly summarized here. The O...

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What Is A Dream?

Dreams are a fascinating and unique experience that occur during sleep. They are characterized by vivid and often surreal imagery, as well as a range of emotions and thoughts. Alth...

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Fun Dream Facts And Hints

Like adding a G.P.S. system to a car, these facts and tips can steer you in the right direction to maximize your dream analysis benefits. Dreams Communicate in Images Because of H...

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A Fast Track To The Meaning Of Your Dreams

This is a first glance at a quick method to analyze your dreams in five easy steps, as summarized below. Further details about each step follow in Chapters 3 through 7. Discoverin...

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Emotions As Dream Flags

Just as music can evoke strong feelings, the emotions in your dreams serve as important clues to understanding their meaning. Whether uplifting or unsettling, the emotions you expe...

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A Dream Is Not A Mini-movie - It Is A Link To Your Life

A Dream Shines a Spotlight on Your Life. In step two about finding a dream’s story line, you extracted the dream’s meaning into a story line. In step three, you are checking ou...

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