The meaning of the symbols of resides seen in a dream.

sleeping boy

Buying A Padlock And You Afterwards Your At The Place Where Your First Cut Resides | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Resides

20 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about resides related.


also sec Church Buildings1- Often in dreams a temple can signify our own body.It is something to be treated with reverence and care. It has the same significance as a church since ...

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This is symbolic of the desire to exert power over others. Whoever has the gun is in charge. Connected to the masculine principle, the gun represents male-oriented power in an extr...

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(God’s Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him, The Seal of the prophets, The last Messenger) It is related that God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, has said : “O...

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Environment you are residing in.The structure the spirit is trapped in or resides in harmoniously. Particular rooms represent particular patterns controlling or playing out in the ...

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As A Nightmare

Feeling overburdened, fear of the difficulties ahead. Descending into an abyss means paying attention to the unconscious, because that is where the reason for the present difficult...

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A frequent symbol in dreams and mythology, the bridge spans an abyss.It is often a place of danger and of falling; you are crossing a boundary. In the Catholic faith, the protector...

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Dead Person

In the past, dreams about dead people were rather frequent; today they are relatively rare.The land of the dead is that of the unconscious where the Shadow resides.A dead person, a...

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Deep bonds with a Relative (often a symbol for parts of yourself), whom you see as your idol, or who is or should be a threatening example. As a dream symbol, incest has an extreme...

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Dreams of an acorn symbolize great potential. Because the blueprint for the oak tree resides within this tiny seed, the acorn represents the fact that your highest destiny, solutio...

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Dreams of represent curiosity and a desire for knowledge, information, and entertainment. Your dream is telling you that all of the information contained within the jung...

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Dreams of America symbolize freedom, expression, and that the land of opportunity resides within you. You are realizing the opportunity to pursue your passion and fulfill your pote...

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To dream of anthropology symbolizes that you are relating to yourself from the perspective of your history and mythology, with a desire to understand yourself and those around you....

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A dream of an antidote represents that you are in the process of discovering answers and solutions because subconsciously you know that inherent within every challenge resides a so...

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Dreams of a balcony symbolize the need for a higher perspective, and a message to step out of your internal myopic perspective and look at things objectively. You are getting a fre...

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From a mythological point of view, the image of the maze is closely tied to the Greek hero Theseus and to Ariadne, who loves him. As legend has it, in order to slay the virgin-devo...

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The zone of the root chakra, where the Kundalini resides. This image may point to the relief of undigested leftovers, problems one has worked with.The suggestion here is to “let ...

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Airplane, Airport

(see Flying)Movement and transition, similar to other vehicles (see Car, Hone, Spaceship). Where the plane goes, its logo, or the other passengers on board (if any) may give you mo...

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Dreams of a cure reflect your awareness that inherent within every challenge resides a solution. Your challenges are pushing you to discover answers and wisdom you never knew you p...

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Dreams of an e-book symbolize your need or desire for instant gratification, knowledge, and ease of transmission of information. You are aware of your connection to the one mind an...

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Dreams of glamour represent beauty as power; a desire to amplify your energy and status by enhancing your attractiveness. Perhaps your dream is showing you that you’ve allowed a ...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation