The meaning of the symbols of questioned seen in a dream.

sleeping boy

Being Questioned | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Questioned

20 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about questioned related.


To dream of seeking refuge in a convent, denotes that your future will be signally free from care and enemies, unless on entering the building you encounter a priest.If so, you wil...

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To dream of a gutter, is a sign of degradation. You will be the cause of unhappiness to others.To find articles of value in a gutter, your right to certain property will be questio...

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To question the merits of a thing in your dreams, denotes that you will suspect some one whom you love of unfaithfulness, and you will fear for your speculations.To ask a question,...

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To dream of a cistern, denotes you are in danger of trespassing upon the pleasures and rights of your friends.To draw from one, foretells that you will enlarge in your pastime and ...

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To dream that you are being shaved, portends that you will let imposters defraud you.To shave yourself, foretells that you will govern your own business and dictate to your househo...

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To dream of a racing turf, signifies that you will have pleasure and wealth at your command, but your morals will be questioned by your most intimate friends.To see a green turf, i...

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1. Motives are questioned related to activities.2. Caution needed in business deals.3. Clear insight and ability to rise above it all with a noble attitude. ...

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In a dream, death signifies religious failure, corruption and rising in status in the world. This interpretation applies if one is carried on a bier or on a litter and his funeral ...

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Eating Fire

Eating fire which has no flames means he will usurp what is due to orphan. But if such a fire does have flames he will be questioned regarding what is due to orphans. Moreover, peo...

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Making Additions To Salaah

And if a person sees himself making additions to the Salaah (Such as performing five rak’aat or observing three sajdahs instead of two) then it implies that he has either questio...

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(Day of Reckoning, Doomsday, Resurrection) Seeing the reckoning of a deceased person in a dream denotes his sufferings in the hereafter.If a traveller is asked to account for his ...

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Clear insight and objectivity are suggested.The way you see things is being questioned.See Eyeglasses, Eye....

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Other (things And Persons)

Usually points to too much egotism. Overcoming egotistical notions. Encounters with “others” (either in the form of strangers or the self) are the beginning of building self- a...

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Beets, Turnips

Vision: Harvesting turnips: all your riches will soon be safely under your roof. Eating turnips: an opportune project—that you questioned initially—will turn out okay. Seeing ...

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Magnolia Tree

To dream of a magnolia tree in full bloom indicates the strength of will to come forward and make change as necessary. It implies much spiritual support and a deep resolve. Flowers...

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To dream of mud means that you are involved in a complex and compromising situation.It is probable that you are in need of some clarity of mind.To dream that you are walking in mud...

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Jupiter (zeus)

Greek god Zeus and the Roman god Jupiter are one and the same. Zeus is the god of gods. He is the creator of day, thunder and lightning, the seasons and is the “sky god.” Zeus ...

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Several people in dream: not feeling lonely; involve­ment of many aspects of oneself in what is being dreamt about; social ability. Large crowds: enormous involvement of self in i...

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As dreams apparently emerge from what has been named the unconscious, it is helpful to understand ideas regarding it, and something of its nature. In ancient cultures we occasional...

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Exhibit / Exhibition

To dream that we are being exhibited probably means that our spiritual identity is being questioned. When we are at an exhibition we are being presented with new ideas....

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A to Z Dream Interpretation