The meaning of the symbols of puts seen in a dream.

sleeping boy

Puts | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Puts

20 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about puts related.


1- If we witness an avalanche in our dreams we arc experiencing a destructive force.If we are in the middle of an avalanche we are being overwhelmed bv circumstances. /2- Psycholog...

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1- Dreaming of wading puts us in the position of recognising what our emotions can do to us.If we are impeded by the water (see Water), then we need to appreciate how our emotions ...

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1- In dreams anything wild always represents the untamed. Within each of us there is a part that dislikes being controlled in any way.It is the part of ourselves which needs to be ...

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This is symbolic of the desire to exert power over others. Whoever has the gun is in charge. Connected to the masculine principle, the gun represents male-oriented power in an extr...

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Rape in a dream is a positive symbol even though the association with it is very negative because of its abhorrent nature from waking life. Sex is ultimately about integration and ...

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Cooling Board

For a young woman to see a cooling board in her dreams, foretells sickness and quarrels with her lover.To dream of some living person as dead and rising up from a cooling board, de...

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To dream of stockings, denotes that you will derive pleasure from dissolute companionship.For a young woman to see her stockings ragged, or worn, foretells that she will be guilty ...

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1. If one puts on eyeglasses, it suggests one wants to see a situation more clearly.2. If one takes off glasses, the situation is unpalatable.3. If glasses are broken, something ma...

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(Band; Chain, Fetters, Shackle, Strap, Ties) In a dream, a bond signifies assiduity, piety, a pretext, an illness, an ongoing debt, cognizance of the one who puts the chain, or ...

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(Safe) In a dream, a closet represents one’s wife, a hide-out, protection or a veil. Ifone sees his closet destroyed in a dream, it may mean the death of his wife. Acloset in a d...

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Firewood in a dream means slander and backbiting. Ifone puts two or three logs to burn in the fire in a dream, it means that an argument will take place or that an exchange of roug...

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The active and practical side of our nature which, by working at it, can transform inedible aspects of a relationship or situation into something which satisfies us, the sense of r...

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Dream Analysis

Sigmund Freud was the founder of modern therapeutic analysis of dreams. Freud encouraged clients to relax on a couch and allow free associations to arise in con­nection with aspec...

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(Cellar) In a dream, one’s mouth represents his life from inception to completion. One’s mouth in a dream also represents the course of one’s livelihood and the source of his...

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(Blouse) One’s shirt in a dream represents his piety, godliness, livelihood, knowledge, or it could mean glad tidings. Putting on a new shirt in a dream means marriage to a woman...

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Example: The people watching are saying “Kill her! Kill her! Kill her!” Then someone finds an extra bullet, puts it in the gun and shoots me in the stomach. I wake with my body...

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Tramp, Drop Out

The ignored or little expressed side of oneself, the ‘yes but’ syndrome—I would make an effon in life, but I’m broke, people put me down, others are against me, I come from...

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Biological Dream Theory

J.A. Hadfield, in his book Dreams and Nightmares (Pelican 1954), puts forward what he calls a biological theory of dreams. He says the function of dreams is that, by reproducing di...

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Evans, Christopher

In his book Landscapes of the Night, Dr Evans puts forward a new theory of dreaming. He states that our brain has programs’ for dealing with survival. We have basic behaviour pro...

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Example: ‘After our first baby was born I had such nightmares my doctor gave me a tranquilliser to take before going to sleep. I have taken one at bedtime for 36 years! I am too ...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation