The meaning of the symbols of ourself seen in a dream.

sleeping boy

Seeing Ourself Crying | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Ourself

20 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about ourself related.


Example: The people watching are saying “Kill her! Kill her! Kill her!” Then someone finds an extra bullet, puts it in the gun and shoots me in the stomach. I wake with my body...

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Even if parts of one’s body or face are shown in a dream to be distorted or abnormal, such a dream is not usu­ally referring to the physical body. Our own idea or image of what ...

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Active Imagination

Carl Jung several times described a technique for using imagination which allowed the spontane­ous expression of the unconscious. Jung described active imagination as a putting as...

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Adler, Alfred (1870-1937)

Born in Vienna, Austria. Stud­ied medicine, later became a disciple of Freud. Diverged from Freud over the sexual impulse being all important in human behaviour. Adler saw people ...

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In general, babyhood self expression and pleasure. Ba­sic and perhaps rejected feelings. Also our will.If relaxed: easy self-expression.If tense: holding back feelings you might b...

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The emotional and intellectual rigidity we use to protect ourself from hurt. Can depict muscular tension which blocks free flowing sexuality and feelings. ...

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Autonomous Complex

Many of the characters or elements of our dreams act quite contrary to what we wish ourself. This is why we often find it so difficult to believe all aspects of a dream are pan of ...

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Change of attitudes, thoughts or opinions about ourself. Because we can change our social appearance by a haircut or style, it depicts changes of mind, change of image. Also being ...

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Unwillingness to ‘see’ something; losing sight of something; not seeing traits which we don’t like about ourself. Idioms: blind impulse; none so blind; turn a blind eye; blin...

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Adventure Of The Dreamworld

Dreams give us a doorway into a strange and wonderful world. Although it appears to have many of the features of our waking world, such as peo­ple, animals, objects and places, it...

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Amplification Method

An approach suggested by Carl Jung. In essence it is to honour what the dream states. In the dream quoted above under amnesia, David is sleeping on a mattress, but it could have be...

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Like any other animal, human beings have devel­oped certain physical and behavioural traits. Some of these traits, such as a newborn baby attempting to suckle the breast, are root...

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Cage, Cell

If the dreamer is in the cage: frustration arising from a sense of social pressure restraining expression, or from one’s moral restraints imprisoning one; feeling caged by lack o...

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Feelings of security or insecurity, our defensive atti­tudes; the way we defend ourself against ‘attack’; past atti­tudes which may have been necessary in childhood to defend...

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Clock, Watch

The restrictions we place upon ourself; our sense of duty and timing; realisation of urgency or having ‘lots of time’. Ticking clock: might be the hean. Big clock: one’s life...

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It refers to oneself, as in the word sorcxehxty. Al­though it includes the totality of our expenence, it seems to be most pointedly referring to our sense of identity. From this s...

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Example: Three men with clubs were chasing me, but never actually caught me as I woke in terror. I was deter­mined to tell myself it was only a dream, and the next night as they w...

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Example: “I saw piles of French loaves. On picking one up I saw that although the crust was crisp, the inside was runny wet dough. I wondered if cooking would make them usable’...

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The shell of bnttle emotions we guard ourself with, grasping or hurtful attitudes. Being nipped by crab: physical or psychosomatic pain or even illness caused by being too tight or...

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Exploring dreams is like uncovering different strata of human psychological history, history we all share.The di­nosaur represents our very basic urges of life such as fear, repro...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation