The meaning of the symbols of bese seen in a dream.

sleeping boy

Kubhudza Uhamba Nge Moto Bese Ubona Imoto Seyishayisile | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Bese

20 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about bese related.


To dream of carrying an umbrella, denotes that trouble and annoyances will beset you.To see others carrying them, foretells that you will be appealed to for aid by charity.To borro...

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Church, Chapel, Temple

Example: ‘It was like an English church with several great spires.The whole building seemed to be built in a white and gold design.The gold pans shim­mered in the sun. I gazed a...

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To dream of buckles, foretells that you will be beset with invitations to places of pleasure, and your affairs will be in danger of chaotic confusion. ...

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To dream of this heavenly awe-inspiring object sailing through the skies, you will have trials of an unexpected nature to beset you, but by bravely combating these foes you will ri...

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To dream of a conjuror, denotes unpleasant experience will beset you in your search for wealth and happiness. ...

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To dream of darkness overtaking you on a journey, augurs ill for any work you may attempt, unless the sun breaks through before the journey ends, then faults will be overcome.To lo...

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To dream of a harlequin cheating you, you will find uphill work to identify certain claims that promise profit to you.If you dream of a harlequin, trouble will beset you.To be dres...

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To dream of seeing a marmot, denotes that sly enemies are approaching you in the shape of fair women.For a young woman to dream of a marmot, foretells that temptation will beset he...

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To dream of having ringworms appear on you, you will have a slight illness, and some exasperating difficulty in the near future.To see them on others, beggars and appeals for chari...

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To dream of swallowing a quantity of sugar denotes that privation is about to beset you (Gypsy). ...

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If you dream of winning a bet, you can be sure that fortune smiles on you.If you dream of losing one, or if you are unable to put up the wager, then you will find yourself beset wi...

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No good comes of dreaming that you are to be wed, or are actually wedt in August, The chances are that your early married lite will be beset by many difficulties of adjustment....

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Cannon Balls

This bodes no good to either sex. You will be beset by trials that at the time will be incomprehensible.The same applies to the shells of high-powered guns. Singly, they mean vexat...

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Gas (propane)

To dream of smelling gas and searching for its source augers ill feelings from friends or actual danger to you from a real gas leak. This is the kind of dream that you would first ...

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If you find yourself handcuffed in a dream this shows that you will be beset by enemies.If you see a pair of handcuffs this will show that there is a possible illness for you in th...

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A warning of difficulties which will beset your path owing to bad trade conditions....

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Dolphins are intelligent and friendly animals, and have often been known to rescue drowning people at sea. Therefore, they have long been symbols of compassion, helpfulness, empath...

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1- Manna represents food and therefore has the same significance as bread.It is food for the soul and food which is in some wav miracu- lous.For this to appear in a dream usually r...

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To dream of bees is good and bed: good, if they sting not; but bod, if they sting the party dreaming, for then they signify enemies. And therefore to dream that bees fly about your...

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Any dream that you have that features boys in any activity is a good omen and bodes well for the dreamer in whatever he/she is undertaking at the present time. Of course, if the bo...

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